Release phosphorus contained in the soil

Discover the power of FosfoPower and improve the efficiency of fertilisation with phosphate mineral fertilisers.






About FosfoPower

FosfoPower is a bacterial fertiliser formulation containing selected strains of PSB (Phosphorus Solubilising Bacteria), which effectively dissolves poorly available forms of phosphorus from both organic and inorganic resources in the soil.


The bacterial strains contained in FosfoPower produce, among other things, organic acids and enzymes that release phosphorus from sources that are not available to plants. Plants are able to uptake the excess phosphorus generated by these processes. 


At a dose of 100 g/ha, FosfoPower allows up to 45 kg P2O5/ha to be released and made available to the plants!



  • Reduces the amount of mineral phosphate fertiliser used
  • Improves efficiency of mineral fertilisation
  • Increases crop yields

innowacyjny produkt rolniczy 2022

FosfoPower was awarded the jury award in the Innovative Agricultural Product 2022 poll in the category of soil conditioners, growth stimulants and crop support products

Application and composition

100 g FosfoPower releases
an amount of 45KG P2O5

  • fosfopower

    100 g


  • superfosfat

    45 kg


When to apply?

Field crops: pre-sowing as a soil spray; during the vegetation season: after sowing, after emergence, at the tillering stage, during spring after the start of vegetation as a foliar spray.


Orchards and berry gardens: with the start of spring vegetation as a spray, in the herbicide strip.


Vegetables: pre-sowing or before planting as a soil spray; at any stage of active growth as a foliar spray.


  • Application


  • Preparation quantity

    100 g/ha

  • Water quantity

    200-400 l


The preparation contains selected PSB bacterial strains with a high concentration of not less than 1 x 109 cfu/g

Important information

For maximum effectiveness, the preparation should be applied in the late afternoon or evening. A very good effect is obtained by applying the product when there is high humidity in the air, e.g. before rainfall. Before adding to the spray tank, we recommend dissolving the product in water first (1 kg/10 l of water) and mixing the solution.

Solubilisation is the process of increasing the solubility of a substance through solubilisation facilitators – solubilisers.


The bacteria contained in FosfoPower (Phosphorus Solubilising Bacteria) accumulate within the rhizosphere. There, as a result of biological activity, they can influence the transformation of phosphorus in the soil. This applies to both organic phosphorus, in which case mineralisation takes place, and mineral phosphorus, in which case solubilisation takes place.


PSB bacteria promote solubilisation by producing, among other things, organic acids through metabolic processes that dissolve forms of mineral phosphorus that are difficult to absorb.


The role of the PSB is also to produce the enzymes – acid phosphatases and phytases – which promote mineralisation. They hydrolyse the organic part of the phosphorus contained in the soil into forms that are bioavailable to plants.

FosfoPower increases the availability of phosphorus in the soil by an average of 40%


Through a process that releases phosphorus from sources not available to the plants, it increases phosphorus absorption by 26–50%.


Scientific studies prove that at a dose of 100 g/ha, FosfoPower allows up to 45 kg of P2O5 to be released and made available to the plants!

Evaluation of soil P content after application of FosfoPower


Location: Nowielice
Cultivation: Winter wheat
First evaluation date: 05.09.2022
Second evaluation date: 09.11.2022
FosfoPower application: 21.09 (pre-sowing)

Evaluation of soil P content after application of FosfoPower


Location: Nowielice
Cultivation: Winter wheat
First evaluation date: 05.09.2022
Second evaluation date: 09.11.2022
FosfoPower application: 21.09 (pre-sowing)

Evaluation of soil P content after application of FosfoPower

Location: RSP Jasienica Dolna, Poland 2023
Cultivation: Winter wheat
FosfoPower application: 11.04.2023


Cultivation: Winter wheat
FosfoPower application: 14.02.2023
Location: ZDOO Radostowo, province Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland 2023


Impact of FosfoPower on winter wheat yield [t/ha].
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute, Poland 2023

Soil P available content before application:
12 mg P2O5/100 g of soil

FosfoPower application:

Wheat sowing:


Impact of FosfoPower on winter rapeseed yield [t/ha].
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute, Poland 2023

Soil P available content before application:
19 mg P2O5/100 g gleby

FosfoPower application:

Rapeseed sowing:


Effect of FosfoPower on maize dry matter yield
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute, Poland 2022
Pot trials


  • The FosfoPower formulation tested had a beneficial effect on plant growth under low soil phosphorus conditions.

  • The results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of FosfoPower under conditions of a limited supply of phosphorus assimilable to plants.

Fosfopower Opinions of the representatives

“I noted that in those plantations where FosfoPower was applied, the weight of the cereal roots was significantly higher than in the control fields, which is a direct result of the application of the biopreparation.”

Marek Kowalski

Dawid Lewandowski

Bio-Lider representative for Pomorze, Kujawy, Żuławy and Powiśle

“Many farmers were sceptical about FosfoPower. However, they changed their minds when they observed the effectiveness of this product in winter cereals.”

Wojciech Radosław

Wojciech Radosław

Sales manager at Bio-Lider for regions of Pomorze Zachodnie and Wielkopolska

“Using FosfoPower makes it possible to reduce the dose of mineral fertiliser without yield losses.”

Beata Wojtas

Beata Wojtas

Bio-Lider representative for Pomorze Zachodnie and Wielkopolska

“Recent years and the high prices of mineral fertilisers urge farmers to plan their fertilisation cost-effectively and wisely. This is why I advise my customers to use FosfoPower, which increases the efficiency of phosphorus fertilisation at little cost.”

Marlena Mańkowska

Marlena Mańkowska

Bio-Lider manager for Warmia and Mazury region

“We know that in the first year after applying mineral phosphate fertilisers, only 20–25% of the applied dose is available to the plants, and within three years this figure reaches about 60%. This means that as much as 40% of the phosphorus fertilisers used is retrograded! By using FosfoPower bio-fertiliser, we increase the efficiency and use of the phosphorus contained in the soil, which at today’s prices adds up to real savings.”

Lidia Mierzyńska

Lidia Mierzyńska

Bio-Lider manager for South East Region

“Thanks to the acids and enzymes produced by the PSB bacteria, FosfoPower is an effective response to the Green Deal’s restrictions on the use of mineral fertilisers.”

Paweł Domżalski

Paweł Domżalski

Sales manager at Bio-Lider for regions of Pomorze, Kujawy, Żuławy and Powiśle

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  1. At what times should FosfoPower be used?

    For winter crops, FosfoPower can be applied in autumn – pre-sowing, pre-emergence or in early growth periods. We recommend repeating the treatment at the beginning of the spring growth period.


    For spring crops, we recommend a pre-sowing treatment, with possible re-application e.g. with a herbicide treatment in maize, sugar beet, and vegetables (BBCH 14-16).

  2. Does frost affect the early application of FosfoPower?

    Frost temporarily inhibits the solubilisation process, however, it does not cause the death of the bacteria contained in FosfoPower.

  3. What is the composition of the product?

    The product consists of PSB (phosphorus-solubilising bacteria) from the Bacillus and Pseudomonas genus with a concentration of no less than niż 1x10^9 jtk/g of preparation.

  4. With which sprays can FosfoPower be used combined?

    FosfoPower can be used in combination with herbicides, insecticides, foliar fertilisers, UANs and selected fungicides. A list of possible combinations is available from Procam agronomists and Bio-Lider advisors.

  5. Can you add FosfoPower to UAN?

    Yes, the research we conducted showed that FosfoPower can be added to UAN.

  6. Can phosphorus fertilisation with mineral fertilisers be completely discontinued?

    FosfoPower is a supplement to mineral fertilisation.

  7. At what soil pH can FosfoPower be used?

    FosfoPower can be used over a wide pH range, but the best results will be obtained at a pH no lower than niż 5-5,5.

  1. Is there any point in using FosfoPower with high phosphorus content in the soil?

    Our research has confirmed that FosfoPower is also effective on soils with a high and very high content of available phosphorus, in addition to influencing the efficiency of phosphorus absorption from conventional phosphorus fertilisers.

  2. How much can phosphorus fertilisation in wheat be reduced by using FosfoPower?

    We assume that FosfoPower can make available an average of 40-45 kg P2O5/ha.

  3. Can FosfoPower be used together with AzotoPower or DeliaStop?

    Yes, FosfoPower is compatible with all Bio-Lider products.

  4. How many times per season can FosfoPower be used?

    We recommend 1–2 treatments during the vegetation season, depending on the crop.

  5. How much phosphorus can we unlock when using FosfoPower?

    The answer is the same as in question 9. We assume that FosfoPower can make available an average of 40-45 kg P2O5/ha.

  6. How long does it take for the effects of FosfoPower to appear?

    The release of phosphorus by PSB bacteria is a continuous process. Under optimum conditions for bacterial growth, this process can begin after 72 hours and progress over the following weeks. To monitor the effects, it is worth paying attention to the plant habitus and checking the content of P2O5 available to the plants.

  7. Is it better to apply FosfoPower to the soil or as a foliar application in the case of maize?

    The solubilisation process carried out by PSB bacteria takes place in the soil, so as many micro-organisms as possible must enter the soil environment with the spray.

  1. At what times should FosfoPower be used?

    For winter crops, FosfoPower can be applied in autumn – pre-sowing, pre-emergence or in early growth periods. We recommend repeating the treatment at the beginning of the spring growth period.


    For spring crops, we recommend a pre-sowing treatment, with possible re-application e.g. with a herbicide treatment in maize, sugar beet, and vegetables (BBCH 14-16).

  2. Does frost affect the early application of FosfoPower?

    Frost temporarily inhibits the solubilisation process, however, it does not cause the death of the bacteria contained in FosfoPower.

  3. What is the composition of the product?

    The product consists of PSB (phosphorus-solubilising bacteria) from the Bacillus and Pseudomonas genus with a concentration of no less than niż 1x10^9 jtk/g of preparation.

  4. With which sprays can FosfoPower be used combined?

    FosfoPower can be used in combination with herbicides, insecticides, foliar fertilisers, UANs and selected fungicides. A list of possible combinations is available from Procam agronomists and Bio-Lider advisors.

  5. Can you add FosfoPower to UAN?

    Yes, the research we conducted showed that FosfoPower can be added to UAN.

  6. Can phosphorus fertilisation with mineral fertilisers be completely discontinued?

    FosfoPower is a supplement to mineral fertilisation.

  7. At what soil pH can FosfoPower be used?

    FosfoPower can be used over a wide pH range, but the best results will be obtained at a pH no lower than niż 5-5,5.

  8. Is there any point in using FosfoPower with high phosphorus content in the soil?

    Our research has confirmed that FosfoPower is also effective on soils with a high and very high content of available phosphorus, in addition to influencing the efficiency of phosphorus absorption from conventional phosphorus fertilisers.

  9. How much can phosphorus fertilisation in wheat be reduced by using FosfoPower?

    We assume that FosfoPower can make available an average of 40-45 kg P2O5/ha.

  10. Can FosfoPower be used together with AzotoPower or DeliaStop?

    Yes, FosfoPower is compatible with all Bio-Lider products.

  11. How many times per season can FosfoPower be used?

    We recommend 1–2 treatments during the vegetation season, depending on the crop.

  12. How much phosphorus can we unlock when using FosfoPower?

    The answer is the same as in question 9. We assume that FosfoPower can make available an average of 40-45 kg P2O5/ha.

  13. How long does it take for the effects of FosfoPower to appear?

    The release of phosphorus by PSB bacteria is a continuous process. Under optimum conditions for bacterial growth, this process can begin after 72 hours and progress over the following weeks. To monitor the effects, it is worth paying attention to the plant habitus and checking the content of P2O5 available to the plants.

  14. Is it better to apply FosfoPower to the soil or as a foliar application in the case of maize?

    The solubilisation process carried out by PSB bacteria takes place in the soil, so as many micro-organisms as possible must enter the soil environment with the spray.

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